Will You Help Us Bloom?

Your support enables 441 Ministries’ continued service in our neighborhood.

Contributions can be made to 441 Ministries Beechwood Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donor names or information will not be released or published without donor permission.

Make checks payable to “441 Ministries Beechwood, Inc.” and mail to:

441 Ministries Beechwood, Inc.
P.O. Box 90478
Rochester, NY 14609

If you are interested in making a Qualified Charitable Contribution from an IRA or want to utilize employer matching to qualified non-profits, you’ll need the following information:

EIN or Tax ID Number: 82-1840737
441 Ministries Beechwood, Inc.
441 Parsells Ave
Rochester, NY 14609

To contribute online, please use the form below: